



Grades 7-8

Designed for students that want to get a head start on their college planning process.

The 7th and 8th-grade Pre-Planning Package is designed for students who wish to engage in discussions regarding college admissions planning, course selection, activity assessments, and any other inquiries related to high school during their 7th and 8th-grade years.

    • Begin the college application journey early for students to reduce stress and enhance their chances of success.

    • Choose courses for specific majors. We assist students in mapping out their curriculum.

    • Secure engaging and enriching summer experiences for students with our early advising.

    • Utilize summer effectively to open doors for future extracurricular and research experiences.


Review extra curricular activities relevant to interests.


Check grades, plan upcoming summer activities to leverage student's potential.


Plan course selection for the new year, discuss summer programs and execute applications and essays.